Checking Your SSL Status

In the Hosting Control Center, you can view the status of any Standard Single Domain SSL certificate that you have purchased.

NOTE: Only Standard Single Domain SSL certificates are redeemable through the Hosting Control Panel. For assistance redeeming other types of certificates, see Requesting a Standard or Wildcard SSL Certificate or Installing an SSL: Server Instructions.

To Check Your SSL Status

  1. Log in to your Account Manager.
  2. Click Web Hosting.
  3. Next to the hosting account you want to use, click Launch.
  4. In the bottom right, under Server Details, click Show details. One of the following SSL statuses displays:
    Credit Available
    This status is an active link that displays when you have purchased a Standard Single Domain SSL certificate, but have yet to apply it to your hosting account. Clicking this link directs you to the Activate SSL page in the Hosting Control Panel where you can activate your SSL certificate.
    Purchase SSL Certificate
    This status is an active link that displays when you do not have any Standard Single Domain SSL certificate credits. Clicking this link directs you to the Secure Certificates page in your account where you can purchase a Standard Single Domain SSL certificate to apply to your hosting account.
    This status is an active link that displays when you have successfully applied a Standard Single Domain SSL certificate to a domain within this Hosting account. Clicking this link directs you to the Secure Certificates page in your account where you can log in to your Secure Certificate Services account.
    Install in Progress
    This status displays when you have activated a Standard Single Domain SSL certificate and the system is installing the certificate to your hosting account.
    Removal Pending
    This status displays when you have requested the removal of an SSL Certificate from your hosting account, and the system is processing the removal request.
    Install Failed
    This status displays when your request to install a Standard Single Domain SSL certificate to a domain in your hosting account failed. If you receive this status, contact customer support.

*Information provided courtesy of GD Support*