Installing an SSL: Server Instructions

Once your SSL certificate has been signed and issued, we will send you an email message that lets you download the signed certificate and our intermediate certificates, all of which must be installed on your website.

The specific installation procedure is determined by your choice of Web server software. Installation instructions are available for the Web servers listed on this page.

microsoft-iis                                                  win-7iis                                                logo_iis8

IIS5 and IIS6                        IIS7                     IIS8 and IIS8.5


exchange 2007       exchange 2010          microsoft-exchange-2013-standard-key

   HEX2007                       HEX2010                  HEX2013



apache-logo                               Tomcat-Logo                                         Nginx-Logo-02-150x150


     APACHE                     TOMCAT                      NGiNX


cpanel logo                    plesk-logo                   azure

      cPANEL                   PLESK                            AZURE




To find product information, please see our SSL Certificate page.

*Information provided courtesy of GD Support*